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ICU stands for Intensive Care Unit. It's a specialized department within a hospital that provides intensive care for patients who are critically ill or who require close monitoring and support due to severe illness or injury.

Patients in the ICU may have conditions such as severe infections, respiratory failure, cardiovascular emergencies, neurological disorders, or major trauma. They often require advanced medical interventions, including mechanical ventilation, hemodynamic support, continuous monitoring of vital signs, and administration of potent medications.

ICU care is provided by a highly skilled team of healthcare professionals, including intensivists (physicians specialized in critical care), critical care nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and other specialists as needed. The ICU is equipped with advanced medical technology and equipment to support the complex needs of critically ill patients.

The primary goals of ICU care are to stabilize the patient's condition, support vital organ function, prevent further deterioration, and promote recovery. ICU teams work closely with patients and their families to provide compassionate care and support throughout the patient's stay in the unit.